No Fixed Address RV

90,000 tons of pulling power, and can park anywhere on 75% of Earth's surface.
Let me take a moment to explain just what exactly a Sea Story is. It usually involves something out of the ordinary that happened while on deployment. Sometimes it’s something spectacular, sometimes it’s something humorous. Sometimes it’s a story that didn’t even happen while at sea. Sailors sometimes brag about their accomplishments or embellish their participation in events. Generally when you get a group of sailors together, it’s not long before they start regaling their shipmates with their Sea Stories. If a sailor starts off their Sea Story with, “This is a no sh!#ter”, then it’s most likely highly embellished or exaggerated, which is normal for sailors. I will not start my stories with that phrase since all of these stories actually happened to me (I will put a disclaimer if I am “re-telling” a story I heard from another shipmate). None of these stories involve RV’s at all, but they DO involve travel since most of these happened while at sea and so they fit the genre of this site.

JACKPOT! Then I Was Robbed!

Sometimes when you play a slot machine you can actually win! Most times, they just slowly take your money not unlike the process of boiling a frog. Very slowly over time the water , or in this case the slot machine, slowly warms (takes your money) up until the frog is...

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What Is It Like To Be A Fleet Sailor?

What Is It Like To Be A Fleet Sailor?

Life as a US Navy Fleet Sailor seemed to be an amazing adventure. If any of you were sailors and served aboard a ship, you KNOW what I am about to tell you is true!  And I would bet that you vividly remember the horror stories you were told about what happened...

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Go Get WHAT?

Go Get WHAT?

One of the rights of passage in any military organization is to mess with the new people and send them on a fools errand.  People can be very creative when they send the “unknowing” new guy on expeditions to find phantom...

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Best Cat Shot Ever!

Best Cat Shot Ever!

In 1984, I made a deployment on the USS Saratoga (CV-60) to the Mediterranean Sea.  Two events stand out about this deployment.  The first is that I was chosen as one of two enlisted sailors who got to fly the “TRANSLANT”, which means Transit the Atlantic...

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You have to be Fluid to put out a FIRE!!

You have to be Fluid to put out a FIRE!!

facebookinstagrampinterestyoutube I was an Avionics Technician and Maintenance Officer in the Navy with most of my time in Aviation Squadrons.  Each day “Ops” came out with the daily Flight Schedule.  We always joked that the flight schedule was only a plan to deviate...

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A Foreign Language?

A Foreign Language?

One thing we quickly discovered in our RV research is that there are a multitude of new terms you have to learn.  I always thought a toad was something that hopped around my yard eating crickets, but in RV vernacular it means something else.  It’s like...

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Most Embarrassing Moment

Most Embarrassing Moment

There are two times in my life that I would classify as the most embarrassing moment.  Firstly, one of them involved a HUGE fart. The second one is what I’m going to tell you now.  It’s a Sea Story that did not happen anywhere NEAR a sea, in fact it happened in...

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